Saturday, November 3, 2007

More Pictures from Montevideo

The sun is out once again and I ventured back down to grab a few shots here and there. Here you are going to see some shots on the Rambula one of the local bars that seem to pop up on every other corner. shots of the kids tricker treating on Halloween one of the local parks and of course a couple of shots of the restaurants that I have had the chance to enjoy.

Oh and just for my brother Greg I had to get a shot of one of the local dog walkers. (grin) Notice the Golden... they are all over the place here.

You will also see one of the horse carts again and a picture of one of the locals that makes her living working on parked cars by giving car washes and watching over people's cars making sure that no one breaks into them... it is really quite common.

OK now a cab ride for you when JP and I head out to pick up some mussels for dinner tonight. JP does a great job with them. To bad you can not smell the onion parsley and garlic with a little white wine... Yummers.

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