Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Juan Manuel Blanes Museum

On this last Sunday we decided to head out to the Blanes Museum. The Blane's Museum is typical of most museums here in Uruguay in of that is does not charge an entrance fee of any sort. The full name is actually Museo Munincipal De Bellas Artes Juan Manuel Blanes.

You will have to go to there web sight to get an idea of the art work here as they do not allow pictures in side the museum so I was only able to take some out side.

In back of the museum is a wonderful little park.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I wanted to share some of the food that I have had while i have been here. This sandwich is what is called Chivitos and is a stake sandwich that is absolutely to die for.
Here you can see Pierre serving up tongue yep that is cows tong and it was actually really good. I didn't think that I was going to like it all that much but to my surprise i did.
Here are the mussels that Pierre made for us the other day. He cooks them up with parsley chopped garlic and white wine. They were wonderful.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

More Pictures from Montevideo

The sun is out once again and I ventured back down to grab a few shots here and there. Here you are going to see some shots on the Rambula one of the local bars that seem to pop up on every other corner. shots of the kids tricker treating on Halloween one of the local parks and of course a couple of shots of the restaurants that I have had the chance to enjoy.

Oh and just for my brother Greg I had to get a shot of one of the local dog walkers. (grin) Notice the Golden... they are all over the place here.

You will also see one of the horse carts again and a picture of one of the locals that makes her living working on parked cars by giving car washes and watching over people's cars making sure that no one breaks into them... it is really quite common.

OK now a cab ride for you when JP and I head out to pick up some mussels for dinner tonight. JP does a great job with them. To bad you can not smell the onion parsley and garlic with a little white wine... Yummers.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween In Montevideo

Since my arrival last Saturday the weather has been absolutely beautiful. Sunny sky's warm weather to great me each new day. But as in all things nothing last for ever. Today I woke up to grey sky's with ominous clouds and rain. So I took my time getting going and as the day continued on the sun worked its way out a little here and there so I decided that I would get out and go for a walk and take some pictures.

I headed for the Rambula once again as I wanted to get a shot of the restaurant that I had dinner at last night. Along the way i passed the Castle ..

Just a block away I was able to get a shot of the restaurant.

To the left here you can see Ches Chief's. But with the wind in the rain I chose to head the other direction and walk through the local neighborhood up to a little park we had walked pass the previous day.

I also took a little video clip of the break water that Pierre and I walked out on last Sunday.

Don't think I will go out there today. Bet i would get quite wet let alone it might just be a bit on the dangerous side.

To the right here is the park that i was headed for.

Even here you should be picking up after your best friends. This is one of the signs to remind you to pick up not that any actually take care of such things.

Here is a shot of the Horse building. It is one of the well know land marks for the Pocito's neighborhood. The Horse building is commonly used for a starting point or directions. I am going to go back and get a better shot of this building as it is quite a piece of art work.

One of the common sights here in Montevideo are these horse dawn carts that the locals use to make a living by going through the trash bins. They collect the Plastic, card board and bottles that every one throws out and then sell them for recycling by the kilo.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday In the Pocito's area of Montevideo

Monday evening here.

I am killing a little time waiting for Pierre to get back from work. I took a couple seconds to shoot this short video showing the view going from North to West to South. Sorry about the sound quality but the streets can be a bit noisy during the day here.

This second Video was shot from bed room window. You will notice as I pan the taxi and that it is really small looking. Well they are for the most part. Me being only 5 ft 10 inches have a difficult time getting into them and out. It can be quite entertaining if you are catching a ride with a couple of friends. On the corner you will see one of the local bar's .. now they are not like a bar as you would think of it in the states. A bar here is much more like a cafe' that has a bar in it.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pictures from Montevideo

Vising Montevideo once again. The weather has been wonderful sunny warm days. Here are a couple of pictures from my walk with Pierre on the Rambula today...

Here are a couple showing the view from the Aprtment in Pocito's

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Into the Life part 2 "Molly"

Sitting next to me is my little girl Molly. She has been my Companion for almost 8 years now and is a great source of amusement in my life. Her smiling face is one of the reasons I love her so much. Ignoring her ability to be a little shit head from time to time is not as easy. Especially the other night.

Now we have our weekday routine. We get up early and I get to take her out to take a quick break of nature. Make coffee for my self and breakfast and a treat for her. I shower she finds the best place to be out of sight. Once I am ready for the day we get to go for a walk, but as she know since it is way to early that i will be gone for most of the day she takes it on her self to ignore me and hide, normally in the upstairs guest room or what ever table she can get under. I am sure that she does it only so that I will stay home a bit longer.

When I get home from work then she gets a quick nature break and after I have relaxed for a bit we get to go for a good evening walk. Then we normally have our dinner and just before bed time I take her out one more time.

Well the other night she was up to no good. No sooner then I had gotton into bed did she start to act up. Now for the most part she is really a good girl or at lest I like to think so. She will just curle up and go to sleep for the night. But the other night she had other ideas. So this is what she did. Placing hear her on the bed looking at me with those big brown eyes of hers. Woof and then quiet just staring at me. A minute latter Woof again. Then she goes to the door wagging her tail and woof. Now it is really funny as she really isn't barking just making it loud enough for me to hear. OK ok i tell her and get up and out we go. She takes care of things and we come back in. Do you think i would be able to go to sleep now. I was hoping so, but now sooner then I got into bed. There she was again at the end of the bed looking at me and Woof pause and Woof again. Little smart ass that she is know that if she keeps it up that I will take her out. So the battle of wills starts. At lest I win there.

Thats my Molly

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Into the Life

Hi. I thought I would just tell you a little about me to start with.

I was born in the mid 60's in Seattle Washington in the USA and have live here most of my life. I have not always lived here. I spent two wonderful years in boarding school in New England. A year at college in Phoenix Arizona along with another year living in Sacramento California.

I have been working for the local telephone company for just over 12 years now.

What has motivate me to start this blog is to better keep in touch with my friends and family as I have after many years of thought decided to move to Montevideo Uruguay in South America.

The choice to leave the Pacific North West was not an easy one. This part of the world is truly a beautiful place to live with its diverse cultures, job opportunities, and an endless list of things to do. I will miss my friends and family very much.

But as all things in life it is time for a change. A big change this time it will be.

